Working With
Live Effects
January 2013
- Xara Designer Pro X
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If it is easier for you to read along while watching the video, I've provided the script I wrote for this video. It is not word-for-word for what I ended up saying, but it is very close. It is in PDF format.
If you'd like to translate this document or provide a translation for the video captions, please post in the Xara Xone forum at TalkGraphics.
Xara Xone Tutorial Video Playlist on YouTube
One of the most under-used tools on the Xara Toolbar for hardcore illustrators is the Live Effects button. But once you’ve tapped into bitmap effects such as distortions, color filtering, and even third party plug-ins you can buy, you’ll wonder how you did without Live Effects! It’s the easier road from artistic problem to solution, and this month, Gary takes you on a tour of some of the creative possibilities for filters in design work.

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