The Xara Xone

Legal Notices

Successful artwork often takes us by surprise, by revealing an important truth or by bringing a hidden memory to the forefront or by making us laugh or cry. A successful and honest website never surprises us about how it handles important issues such as privacy, copyright or the terms and conditions upon which the site is offered up for use.

At the Xara Xone we’ve pushed the transparency slider all the way to 0.0% and spelled out all the fundamental rules and policies that the Xara Xone operates under.

Please visit and read our pages on:

The Imprint or Impressium, is a German legal requirement and format for spelling out who is responsible, at the highest corporate level for the Xara Xone and how to contact them.
Contact Us
If you are looking for information and contact information on the Xara Group Limited and all of its products, or on who is in charge of managing the Xara Xone on a daily basis please visit the Contact Us Page.
Privacy Policy
The Xara Xone Privacy Policy page is where we describe how we handle your personal information.
Copyright and Trademarks
And last but not least is the Copyright and Tradmarks page which you really need to read if you want to reuse, repurpose, reprint, mashup or otherwise copy text, video, audio, documents, software, artwork or anything else we manage to put on or attach to the Xara Xone website.