
Here's your chance to admire the work of some very talented artists using Xara software. They've all been included in the Inspirational Art feature of our monthly newsletter The Xara Outsider, or showcased as a Xara Xone Featured Artist (a feature that has run since 1999 - we apologize in advance for the precarious state of the oldest Xone pages we link to, including broken links, but we think the art makes it worth it!).

Simply browse through the selection below, select an artist from the drop down list or search on a name.

Two professional designers using Xara software for very different work in very different styles. Sandor Beres from Hungary and Bruno Costa from Brazil.
Sandor Beres and Bruno Costa, Two professional designers using Xara software for very different work in very different styles. Sandor Beres from Hungary and Bruno Costa from Brazil., Sandor Beres, Bruno Costa
Anton is a professional designer based in Moscow. He specializes in UX design, but uses Xara software for every aspect of his work, and in this edition of Inspirational Art we feature some illustrations he did for a honey subscription website.
Anton Korenyako, Anton is a professional designer based in Moscow. He specializes in UX design, but uses Xara software for every aspect of his work, and in this edition of Inspirational Art we feature some illustrations he did for a honey subscription website., Anton Korenyako
A selection of illustrations from one of our favorite cartoonists, Tomas Kopecky, a professional graphic designer and illustrator in the Czech Republic.
Tomas Kopecky, A selection of illustrations from one of our favorite cartoonists, Tomas Kopecky, a professional graphic designer and illustrator in the Czech Republic., Tomas Kopecky
Two designers new to Inspirational Art, Johnny Romero from Honduras and Anna Antracit from Russia.
Johnny Romero & Anna Antracit, Two designers new to Inspirational Art, Johnny Romero from Honduras and Anna Antracit from Russia., Anna Antracit, Johnny Romero
Aiyanne Chan is a young UK based artist who specializes in vector illustration in the anime or kawaii style. Compare and contrast with Michael Tumey, a professional fantasy cartographer.
Aiyanne Chan & Michael Tumey, Aiyanne Chan is a young UK based artist who specializes in vector illustration in the anime or kawaii style. Compare and contrast with Michael Tumey, a professional fantasy cartographer., Aiyanne Chan, Michael Tumey
Two excellent illustrations from the TalkGraphics Art Gallery forum, in very different styles, from Derek Cooper and Andrew Wrigley.
Derek Cooper & Andrew Wrigley, Two excellent illustrations from the TalkGraphics Art Gallery forum, in very different styles, from Derek Cooper and Andrew Wrigley., Derek Cooper, Andrew Wrigley
Another selection of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics or Behance.
Art Mix 19, Another selection of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics or Behance., Denis Sazhin, Rik Datta, Gary Bouton, Andrew Wrigley, Paul Saumure
Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics
Art Mix 18, Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics, graham ward, tomas kopecky, gary priester
Another new face in Inspirational Art and a must for anyone who enjoys cartoon illustrations.
Tomasz Sadzinica, Another new face in Inspirational Art and a must for anyone who enjoys cartoon illustrations. , Tomasz Sadzinica
Icons take particular illustration skills, the challenge being to pack as much character and detail as possible into a small space, while still making it possible for viewers to see a glance what you are trying to represent. Here are two designers who have succeeded brilliantly.
Icons by Mike Miroshnikov and Alexei Ryazancev, Icons take particular illustration skills, the challenge being to pack as much character and detail as possible into a small space, while still making it possible for viewers to see a glance what you are trying to represent. Here are two designers who have succeeded brilliantly., Mike Miroshnikov, Alexei Ryazancev
Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics.
Art Mix 17, Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics., Graham Ward, Mark Beckemeyer, Fred Van de Zee, Igor Vojtela
Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics.
Art Mix 16, Our pick of recent images created with Xara software, from the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics., Jose Campoy, Mark Beckemeyer, Andrew Wrigley, Graham Ward, Peter Windmill, Frances Proctor
Maxim is based in Switzerland and digital art is his hobby. The illustrations here are just a small selection of his vector work, created with Xara Photo & Graphic Designer.
Maxim Lysak, Maxim is based in Switzerland and digital art is his hobby. The illustrations here are just a small selection of his vector work, created with Xara Photo & Graphic Designer., Maxim Lysak
This month we've picked images from TalkGraphics and Deviant Art from three well known designers using Xara software.
Art Mix 15, This month we've picked images from TalkGraphics and Deviant Art from three well known designers using Xara software., Derek Cooper, A Wrigley, Vjekoslav Ranec
This month we feature the work of Maksimilijan Gečević from Croatia, a newcomer to Inspirational Art.
Maksimilijan Gečević, This month we feature the work of Maksimilijan Gečević from Croatia, a newcomer to Inspirational Art., Maksimilijan Gečević
For a change this month I have selected work from portfolios on Behance that include some great examples of illustrations created with Photo & Graphic Designer and / or Designer Pro. But it isn’t all change - I couldn’t resist including another great car image!
Art Mix 14, For a change this month I have selected work from portfolios on Behance that include some great examples of illustrations created with Photo & Graphic Designer and / or Designer Pro. But it isn’t all change - I couldn’t resist including another great car image!, Ruslan Aliev, Mircea Dragoi, Estince Voi
This month we have chosen 3 designers whose work we haven't shown before in Inspirational Art, selected from recent posts in the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics.
Art Mix 13, This month we have chosen 3 designers whose work we haven't shown before in Inspirational Art, selected from recent posts in the Xara Art Gallery forum on TalkGraphics., Peter Windmill, Mark Beckemeyer, Ronald Weed
As promised last month, a second selection of images from the last few months in the Xara Art Gallery forum at TalkGraphics.
Art Mix 12, As promised last month, a second selection of images from the last few months in the Xara Art Gallery forum at TalkGraphics., Jay McLennan, Gary Priester, Igor Vojtela
Our choice of images from the last few months in the Xara Art Gallery forum at TalkGraphics. So many to choose from I think we'll have to have a Part 2!
Art Mix 11, Our choice of images from the last few months in the Xara Art Gallery forum at TalkGraphics. So many to choose from I think we'll have to have a Part 2!, Graham Ward, Derek Cooper, Paul Saumure
Our pick of images created with Xara software, from TalkGraphics and elsewhere.
Art Mix 10, Our pick of images created with Xara software, from TalkGraphics and elsewhere., Tomas Kopecky, Ron Duke, Valery Kouleshov
Our choice of images from Xara Xone Featured Artists and posts on TalkGraphics, including a first appearance in Inspirational Art for Rafal Danhoffer.
Art Mix 8, Our choice of images from Xara Xone Featured Artists and posts on TalkGraphics, including a first appearance in Inspirational Art for Rafal Danhoffer., Rafał Danhoffer, Graham Ward, Luca Pennisi, Paul Saumure
Mohamed Elhlaly, , Mohamed Elhlaly
Something to drink? Five different artists offer six different answers, demonstrating yet again the sheer depth and variety of talent among Xara artists.
Something To Drink, Something to drink? Five different artists offer six different answers, demonstrating yet again the sheer depth and variety of talent among Xara artists., Derek Cooper, Valery Kouleshov, Newton Florentino, Mohamed Elhlaly, Luca Pennisi
Steve Newport, , Steve Newport
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